The following short story, "Toast to Victory", is the inspiration behind Jour de Gloire No9. The tale briefly portrays the sensory world of Rugby and partly unveils the origin of perfumed notes and essences that make up the fragrance.
Toast to Victory

Shanghai, a Sunday afternoon in the late 1930s...
Sipping my Pink Gin I breathe from the terrace of the club house the earthy autumn scents. The China Sea breeze caresses the green grass of the sports fields before vanishing through the cypress trees. The Shanghai Rugby Football Club is a joyful place where the local elite comes to socialize and escape from the city life.
The terrace is now crowded as the sun sinks in the golden west. The noise and fervour of victory saturate the atmosphere! As captain of our Rugby team I propose a toast to our new title as Champions of the Autumn Tournament. Tonight, our team is the pride of the club! We all look so proud smoking cigars in our black evening suits!
I negotiate my way through the noisy crowd to the lounge bar. The orchestra is playing "In the Mood" electrifying the ambiance with its syncopated beats. Seated on a red velvet sofa a young lady is dressed in a silver gown that sparkles with silver highlights. She smokes gracefully with a long cigarette holder in a pensive way. She is most beautiful and seems almost inaccessible.
“ Do you mind if I sit by you? ”
“ Please do! You must be very tired out after this tough game! ”
The orchestra follows with "Moonlight Serenade." The story begins...